Visual Voicemail

Directly setup your voicemail on your VOIP phone or VorTex App. Messages are conveniently accessible from your App even when you are away from the office.

Time Saving

Save time by reviewing your messages and missed calls from a single location without the hassle of going through confusing prompts.

Global Flexibility

We provide a simple mobile integration app with your device. If your employees are working remotely or on business trips, they will still be able to access voicemail from their dedicated company phone line. Employees or individuals can maintain communication with their clients even if they are on a plane, or in a hotel room halfway across the globe.

Simple Forwarding

If someone leaves a message with a wrong contact, you can simply forward the message on directly from the interface to the appropriate personnel.

Management of content

Easily manage your voicemails as they are listed in accordance to date and time.

Our Perks

  • Reliable audio calls – Receive and make your calls in HD regardless of your location
  • Switch between devices to receive calls – You can flip your calls between your mobile device and desktop with not more than a single tap through the help of the app
  • Check your voicemails with ease – Checking of voice messages just got more comfortable with the auto voicemail transcription
  • Retain your current line– Move all your contacts to your vortex account—no need to change numbers
  • Easy management in the admin portal – You can perform quality management operations, together in one place

Download our apps for all devices